Choosing a child care program that works best for you and your family is a difficult decision. We get it. Hopefully these frequently asked questions and answers will help provide the information you need to make your decision. If not, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are all ears and looking forward to helping you.
If you think there is a frequently asked question we may have missed, please submit it on our contact us page.
Let's jump in!
1. Do parents have to pay fees for days that their child does not attend due to illness or vacation?
Yes, fees are paid during all absences; once a space is confirmed, it is payable whether the child attends or not.
2. Are there any subsidized child care spaces in your settings?
Yes. The first step for clients seeking subsidy from Child Care Programs, City of Kingston involves first ensuring that Kingston Day Care has an available space at one of our locations. The next step is to complete the Confirmation of Space form at your chosen site; Kingston Day Care will then submit the form on your behalf. Upon receipt of the Confirmation of Space form, Child Care Programs will make contact with the client to set up an appointment.
Clients seeking subsidy from Prince Edward - Lennox and Addington (1-888-354-0114) or United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (1-800-267-8146) are to contact them directly to begin their process.
3. Are there any times throughout the year that you are closed?
We are open all year round. The only days in which we close are statutory holidays and Public Closures unless otherwise stipulated in a lease agreement.
4. Is there a scheduled nap time for all of the age groups?
Toddler and Preschool children who receive care for six hours or more shall have a daily rest period not exceeding two hours in length. Each child will be assigned to an individual cot. The need for rest/sleep varies greatly at different ages and from child to child. At Kingston Day Care, children in our care (toddler, preschool or kindergarten) are permitted to sleep, rest, or engage in quiet activities based on the child's individual needs.
The daily plan is so arranged that, a rest period (not exceeding two hours in length) is offered following the mid-day meal. A child not requiring sleep during the rest period is permitted to engage in quiet activities.
Rest should not be of such duration that normal sleep patterns at home are disrupted.
Parents will be consulted at time of enrolment, upon parent request, transition times between programs and when there are changes in a child’s sleeping patterns. This information will be recorded in the child’s ‘Individual Profile’ and will be available for staff to review and update as required. Parents will have daily access to their child’s profile.
Communication will take place at drop off or pick-up time, through arranged meetings and via email correspondence to ensure information is shared quickly and effectively.
Infant Supervision
Children less than 12 months of age are placed on their backs as outlined in the recommendations set out in the ‘Joint Statement of Safe Sleep’ unless a child’s physician recommends otherwise in writing. Changes in sleep behaviour (i.e. rolling over) will be reported to parents. Kingston Day Care Staff are not required to reposition the infant.
Note: Exceptions to sleep routines are documented in the Daily Log/Infant Log Book. Parents are consulted at the time of enrolment through the registration process on the child’s sleep habits and are informed of Kingston Day Care’s policy on sleep, rest, supervision policies, including Kingston Day Care’s obligation to place a child under 12 months of age to sleep in a manner consistent with ‘The Joint Statement on Safe Sleep; Preventing Infant Deaths in Canada’ unless otherwise recommended in writing by the child’s physician.
5. How many childhood educators are in each room?
The child/staff ratios for each age grouping are as follows:
Infant (younger than 18 mths): staff to child ratio of 3 to 10 with a max of 10 infants
Toddler (18-30 mths): staff to child ratio of 1 to 5 with a max of 15 toddlers
Preschool (30 mths to 6 yrs): staff to child ratio of 1 to 8 with a max of 16 children
Kindergarten (44-68 mths): staff to child ratio of 1 to 13 with a max of 26 children
Primary/Junior School Age (68 mths to 13 yrs): staff to child ratio of 1 to 15 with a max of 30
Junior School Age (9-13 years): staff to child ratio of 1 to 20 with a max of 20 children
6. What are the qualifications of your staff members?
Kingston Day Care's Registered Early Childhood Educators are active members of the College of Early Childhood Educators. All employees are trained in Standard First Aid and CPR-C and have undergone a Criminal Reference Check / Vulnerable Sector and will be required to complete an Annual Offence Declaration. Continuous Professional Learning for our educators ensures that a highly progressive and responsive environment is consistently created for the children in our care.
7. What is your policy regarding sick children?
We do our best to be supportive of the working parent and at the same time, operate within the health standard guidelines mandated by Kingston Public Health. If a child is feeling somewhat under the weather but is able to function within the program we will allow them to remain. Communicable illnesses, other than colds, require exclusions which are determined by Kingston Public Health. We will administer medications such as antibiotics providing proper procedures are followed. (Please refer to the heading ILLNESS in the Policy Section for details.)
8. What items are parents responsible for once their child is enrolled?
Parents are required to provide diapers, an extra set of clothing, indoor shoes, sun hats and sunscreen. Any “Special” food or drink that is supplied from home must arrive at the child care centre labelled with their child’s name. Written parental instruction on when and how to serve the item will be required.
St. Martha Child Care Centre, Collins Bay Child Care Centre, and Our Lady of Lourdes Before and After School Programs are allergy-safe environments – any child with anaphylaxis must supply an up to date epipen and a medic bracelet to be worn at all times while in our care.
9. Do you offer "family rates"?
No, we are unable to provide this system. Program fees are on a "as per child" basis.
10. Is there a waiting list that I can place my child on?
Please place your child on the City of Kingston and Frontenac County Childcare Registry and Information System (CCRIS) waiting list for all Kingston Day Care programs. Being placed on a wait list does not ensure a space, but does place clients in order of priority. It is advisable for clients to keep in touch with us if the date of birth and child's name could not be provided at the time of their initial contact. You can learn all about our enrolment process on our Registration Page. A space can only be considered 'confirmed' when a pre-registration fee has been accepted by Kingston Day Care; this payment holds the space and is non-refundable. Child Care will not be provided "in lieu" in the event a client has paid a pre-registration fee and then later chooses to forfeit that space.
11. Can I set up a visit to see the child care centres?
Yes. A site visit will be set up if the possibility of a space exists. Random visits will not be conducted if there is no space availability as this would be very disruptive to the children in our care.
12. My family likes to take the entire summer off each year; can I withdraw my child for 2 months and then resume care once I require it again?
If a child withdraws from a program, the space shall be considered available to other families on the waiting list who are in immediate need of care. Families who withdraw their child from care may check in with the daycare a few weeks prior to the date they require care to resume to see if an available space exists.
13. Does KDC conduct safe water sampling at their facilities?
Yes. In accordance with the Ontario Regulation 243/07 under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002, Kingston Day Care is in compliance with the requirements for daily flushing and/or water sample testing. Sampling procedures and testing for lead are conducted annually between May and October 31 as required by regulation. Plumbing at each daycare location is flushed daily before use.
14. Will Kingston Day Care prepare "Employer Child Care Support Plan Attendance Forms"?
Yes. The annual deadline for the completion of these forms is January 20th. After this date this service will no longer be provided. A service fee is due at the time the request is made and is payable to the Site Supervisor; this payment must be made separate of child care fees.
15. Do any of your centres provide Before and After School Programs?
Yes. Before and After School programs are offered at St. Martha Child Care Centre, Collins Bay Child Care Centre, and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, however, active clients in these daycare centres must not assume they will automatically get a space. If your child requires Before and After School care OR if they require additional days, please ensure that the on-line Wait List is completed. These programs are generally full.
16. How do you receive feedback from parents/guardians?
We love getting feedback from all of our daycare families any time! Parents are welcome to provide feedback through any of the following ways:
Direct conversation with their child(ren)'s specific care provider
Direct message through our Sandbox app on your phone (the tool we use for daily communication between teachers and parents/guardians)
Email the site supervisor with any questions, compliments or concerns (please find specific site contact info on our Contact Us page)
KDC also conducts an annual parent survey to receive additional feedback. Please find the survey results for our most recent survey conducted at the end of 2022 here.